Speciality and Competence:
Area of Speciality: Philosophy of Psychiatry, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Medicine, Metaphysics, Epistemology, History of Autism
Area of Competence: Bioethics, Medical Ethics, Philosophy of Mind, Disability Studies, Kant, History of Psychiatry
Teaching Experience:
Philosophy of Science, 2nd year
Philosophy of Medicine, 3rd year
Philosophy of Mental Disorder, Masters
Philosophy of Mind, 2nd year
Health and Disease, Concepts and Policy, 2nd year
Applied Philosophy, 3rd year
Applied Ethics, 1st year
Health, Culture and Society, 2nd year Medical Students
Special Studies Module 2, 2nd year Medical Students
Session on autism, Clinical Psychology PhD students
Dissertation, 3rd Year and Masters
Introduction to Knowledge and Reality, 1st year (seminar tutor)
Moral and Political Philosophy, 1st year (seminar tutor)
What is Philosophy? Methods, Aims, Debates (single session)
Metaphysics, 2nd Year (double marking)
Darwin and Philosophy, 3rd Year (double marking)